Head's Blog

End of term 23 July 2024


We are at the end of another wonderful year at Polperro School. The children have worked extremely hard all year which you will have seen in their books at the book share yesterday. They have achieved so much and we are all proud of them all as I am sure you are. Thank you so much for all of your support throughout the year.

We have said some emotional goodbyes this week, firstly to our amazing Y6s who we are sure will all go on to do great things. We have also said goodbye to Mrs Taylor in a special assembly this morning. We will all miss seeing her smiling face in school and I am sure you will join me in wishing her all the best for the future.

Summer Fete It was lovely to see so many of you at our Summer Fete on Friday. It was such an enjoyable afternoon and we raised approximately £1000! Thank you to the parents/grandparents who helped out on the day and to everyone in FOPS who help organize such an enjoyable afternoon. We will keep you posted about what we use the funds for.

House Team Winners We have enjoyed our new house points teams system this year. It was very close: Chestnut 343 points; Ash 363 points; Willow 367 points and Oak 372 points. Congratulations to Oak, the overall winner and our first ever champions.

Online Safety During the summer holidays, without the distraction of school, internet usage for many young people can increase all the way up to September. Please use this link https://saferinternet.org.uk/guide-and-resource/staying-safe-online-in-the-summer-holidays for more information about keeping children safe online children safe when using the internet, social media and playing online games.

I will contact you all at the end of the summer break.  Meanwhile, here is the main information you will need about the new term in September.

Dropping off and picking up In September, the gates will be open from 8:30 to allow you plenty of time to drop off in order for your child to be in school ready for registration at 8:45. Please drop by 8:40 so that they are there in plenty of time for registration at 8:45. As usual, pick up time for all classes will be 3:15 with Penhallow Class leaving from the side gate and Talland and Chaipel Classes from the main gate. Parents of pupils in Landaviddy Class (year 2/ year 3) are asked to wait for their child outside Landaviddy Classroom on the playground.

Swimming PE kit should come in on the first day of term and be in all half term. The swimming pool will still be open in September therefore please send your child in with their swimming kit on the first day.

After School and Breakfast Clubs Wraparound care will start on the first day back (4th September). Please email the office (secretary@polperroprimary.co.uk) if you would like your child to attend.

INSET Tuesday 3rd September is an INSET day. We look forward to welcoming everyone back to school at 8:30 on Wednesday, 4th September.

Thank you again for all of your support throughout the year.

Wishing you all a wonderful summer break. 

Mrs Hillman


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Polperro Primary Academy is a happy and thriving School for children aged 2 to 11 years and is often described as ‘somewhere special’ by visitors, parents and children alike. We currently have 102 children on roll across four classes and our pre-school nursery, and provide a seamless transition between nursery and primary school. In addition to our creative and well-qualified teaching staff, we have excellent teaching assistants who work across the school supporting and enhancing children’s learning. All of these staff are dedicated to providing pupils with quality learning opportunities and take immense pride in their work and in doing the best job they can to support the school.

We are very proud of the successes of our school, of the excellent relationships we have with families and friends within our community and of the governors, staff and children who work hard to make our school a happy place where we can learn together in friendship. We are proud of our academic results and are committed to continuing to raise standards and to providing an effective, inspiring education for all of our children. We hope that the close cooperation and partnership between school and home will enhance and support your child’s development throughout these important early years.

The stars of our school are of course, the children themselves and very few visitors fail to comment on their politeness, energy and enthusiasm. I feel very privileged and proud to lead their learning.

We very much hope you find this website useful and informative and please to not hesitate to contact either myself, or a member of my team, should you need any further information.

Anthea Hillman - Polperro Primary Academy Head


Head of School:
Mrs Anthea Hillman

PL13 2JJ

01503 272249

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We are bold and innovative in our approach to find new solutions to the challenges we face.



We are inspired by the awe and wonder of the world.



We take responsibility for our actions in an environment of mutual respect.



We are passionate about learning.



We are the best we can be.



We overcome all barriers to reach our potential, developing a capacity to improve further.

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