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Head's Blog   23rd February 2024

Posted 25/02/2024
by Anthea Hillman

This half term has already got off to a good start with years 5 and 6 years having a virtual meeting with some French children who attend primary School in Ors in Northern France. The children sang a song together about what makes them happy - the same things such as football and pets! They then asked each other questions. Y5 and Y6 found out that the French children start school at 8:30 and stay till 4pm but are only in school for 4 days a week. They don't wear uniform, have a one-and-ahalf-hour lunch break and 4 courses for lunch, and learn English every day.

Our new enquiries have been launched:
Chaipel: How does North America compare to Europe?
Talland: How have our lives been changed by the Victorians?
Landaviddy: How can the force be with you? Penhallow: What happens in Spring?

World Book Day It has been great to hear that many of the children have already turned their wooden spoon into their favourite book character for our World Book Day competition. We have spare spoons in school if needed. School Council has asked that on World Book Day (7th March) children come dressed as their spoon (ie their favourite character) or in PJs with a teddy and their favourite book.

Looe Mini Miler  Looe Mini Miler, a fun run, takes place at 10am (Registration 9am-9.40am) on Sunday 25th February. The race which is organised by the Looe Pioneers is suitable for children aged 4 and above. Details are on the attached flyer, please note there are no entries on the day.

Menu Change 5th March To celebrate St Piran’s day on Tuesday 5th March there will be a special menu, please see menu attached and log in to Parentpay to make your child’s selection by Monday 26th February.

Parent Consultations Parent consultations will be held week of 18th March either in person or on TEAMS. We will email you next week with information regarding times and dates when your child’s teacher will be available and how to book an appointment.

WeAreMusic (WAM) Pupils from year 3 to year 6 are welcome to attend the WAM music ensemble, led by Mrs Butlin at Looe Community Academy (Music Department) on Tuesdays 4:15-5pm. The first four sessions are free then it is £3 per week. Please contact Mrs Butlin direct on if your child is interested.

Have a good weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Landaviddy   Friday 23rd February 2024

Posted 24/02/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Welcome Back Landaviddy! We hope you all had a lovely half term break!

We started this week of by launching our new enquiry question for this half term, 'How Can the Force be With You?'. In Science, we have been learning about materials and thinking carefully about what materials are used for certain objects. Could fabric windows work? How about have wooden clothes? 
In Computing, we have been looking at micro:bits and are excited to begin programming this half term. During our first lesson, we created dance sequences in pairs and made links between each move we chose and how animation works. Next week, we will begin by creating our own flipbooks. We loved our Music session with Mrs Butlin this week, as we finally got to have a go with the Ukuleles! 

We started a new unit in English, exploring the Traction Man series by Mini Grey. Everyone has loved reading the stories and engaging in some excellent book talk! We used drama to recreate the story and then shared our performances to the class. It was fantastic to see everyone taking on a character and this really brought the story to life! We have started recalling the story map for Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey, which is help us when it comes to writing our own narratives!

In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about Position and Direction, ensuring they use the correct language when describing movement. Year 3 have begun their second unit of Multiplication and Division, where we have been using related calculations to solve number sentences and multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

Congratulations to Harley and Heidi for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Grace for achieving her 33 club and Benjamin for his 55 club!

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday, refreshed for an exciting week of learning! 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Penhallow   Penahllow Blog 23.2.2024

Posted 23/02/2024
by Karen Taylor

A fabulous, 
first week back in Penhallow!

The first week back from our half-term break has been filled with fun and we have thoroughly enjoyed launching our new enquiry: What happens in spring?

We ventured out on our only dry afternoon to explore the garden on a nature walk in search for the first signs of spring. We have also been learning all about what makes a plant a plant? This will continue next week where in English we will finish our spring acrostic poems and begin learning how to write an instruction text telling us how to plant a seed.

In maths, both Reception and Year 1 have been working so hard. Reception have been focussing on one more or one less within 10 and Year 1s exploring number bonds to 20. It is so important that the Year 1s know their number bonds within 10 and to 10 before moving onto this point so please, if you have any spare time this weekend pop onto TwinklGo! where the children have plenty of options to practice these.

We had a great PE lesson this week where we played games to explore how exercise made us feel. It was so wonderful to see the children working together and congratulating each other for doing well. This also linked to our PSHE lesson where we discussed the importance of healthy choices!

We enjoyed a fabulous music lesson with Mrs Butlin this week where we were able to play the ukuleles and learn a song all about Cornwall.

Well done to Brody, Tommy and Evie D who were picked as our 'People of the Week' this week for showing fantastic examples of the school values. Also well done to Lowen for achieving his 11 club badge in 99 club this week!

I hope there is a break in the weather this weekend so that you can venture out to explore some of the signs that spring is on the way!

We look forward to seeing you on Monday for another fantastic week of learning!
Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Mrs C and Miss Colton.



Posted 23/02/2024
by Emily Randle

Another busy week has flown by in Chaipel. The children who want to submit their poem to the Fowey Young Writer's Competition have written up their best copy ready for the school to submit them next week. Good Luck!!

On Monday, we were lucky enough to have a TEAMS meeting with a lovely school in Ors, Northern France. We asked each other about how  similar/different our lives are and are looking forward to becoming pen pals. Y5 and Y6 found out that the French children start school at 8:30 and stay till 4pm but are only in school for 4 days a week. They don't wear uniform, have a one and a half hour lunch break and 4 courses for lunch, and learn English every day.

Year 6 have been sitting practice papers for their upcoming SATs and the Year 5s have been amazingly supportive. We really do have a lovely class! 

Chaipel have completed their investigation into WW2 by spending the afternoon producing their end of unit assessments. They had the choice of producing a written double-page spread or using ICT to produce a PowerPoint to showcase their learning. They have all done incredibly well and their work shows just how much they have learnt about the war.

That's all from Team Chaipel. Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 23.2.24

Posted 23/02/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Class Blog 23.2.24

Happy Spring Term 2 everyone!

A few throw backs from Spring Term 1 (obstacle course with our class made wobble bots and some incredible art inspired by Ashwin Harrison)!

We've kick started this week with lots of enthusiasm. Talland are excited to get our teeth into our newest enquiry question: ‘How have our lives been changed by the Victorians?’ We've looked at lots of vocabulary and created a time line of major historical events during the Victorian Era. From this, children have chosen their favourite significant events. These are the areas we will research throughout our history lessons.

The year 4's have been dividing 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit numbers (96 divided by 4 OR 397 divided by 3). It certainly got tricky when there were remainders involved. Why not get your child to give these a go...
The year 5's have been completing the second unit of fractions. They have been multiplying fractions and I hope they are looking forward to their post assessment next week. I can't wait to see how much progression they have made. 

We are going to write our own newspaper reports. Therefore, this week we have been immersing ourselves with newspaper articles. An article about Oliver Twist has caught our attention. Why not ask your child what the newspaper report is about...

PE continues to be on a Monday (Ball Skills) and on a Tuesday (Gymnastics). We've been having fun working in pairs to create balances in gymnastics and testing out our new netball posts during our ball skills lesson. 

It's been a great week and I'm excited for next week - lots of fun activities planned!

We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Over and out from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Killigarth Nursery   23/2/24

Posted 22/02/2024
by Julie Peat

It has been a lovely week back after the half term holiday. We have welcomed some new children to nursery and they have settled in so well. We have been learning about farms and farm animals. We are answering our enquiry question of "Who lives on a farm and where does our food come from?"
The children have been busy creating different crafts including paper plate cows, handprint chickens and doily sheep. We have discussed what animals we might find on a farm and talked about the noises they make.

In maths, the children have been finding objects to represent the number 3 and have been naming and using shapes to make farm tractors.
In phonics, we have been making animal noises and listening to and identifying animal sounds. The children have clapped the syllables in animal names and been trying hard to identify initial sounds of words.

We have enjoyed reading a variety of stories including "Hen's pens" and "What the ladybird heard" and the children have been discussing what they think might happen next in stories.

We look forward to another busy week next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


Head's Blog   French Connection

Posted 19/02/2024
by Anthea Hillman


This morning years 5 and 6 had a virtual meeting with children in northern France who attend primary School in Ors.  The children sang a song together about what makes them happy - the same things such as football and pets!  They then asked each other questions.  Y5 and Y6 found out that the French children start school at 8:30 and stay till 4pm but are only in school for 4 days a week. They don't wear uniform, have a one and a half hour lunch break and 4 courses for lunch, and learn English every day.

We have made the connection with the school through Sally Crabtree and the Poetry Plane Project which involved years 5 and 6 and children from France writing poems about WW1. Their final poems will be written on paper containing poppy, cornflower and forget-me-not seeds and in July the poems will be flown to France and dropped from a plane in Northern France.

The children will be writing to each other as a next step in this wonderful friendship between the two schools.


Landaviddy   Thursday 8th February 2024

Posted 13/02/2024
by Alice Gibbings

This week we concluded our enquiry 'How Far Can We Travel?' by reflecting upon our wider curriculum learning this half term. In Geography, we loved learning about Morocco and comparing the physical and human features with Cornwall. In History, we learnt about the timeline of space travel and how transport has changed overtime. In Computing, we explored how information could travel using the internet and how we can transport communication by writing blogs. 

In English, we have been working hard refining our sentence writing when describing. We have used 2A sentences to create a setting description for a journey the Lonely Beast went on. 

In Maths, we have finished our Multiplication and Division units and completed our post assessments. After half term, Year 2 will be moving on to Position and Direction and Year 3 will be delving deeper into Multiplication and Division, building up our knowledge by looking at how we can tackle 2 digit numbers.

Congratulations to Landaviddy's Readers, Writers and Mathematicians of the Week. We are so proud of you all!

Reader of the Week
Lowen (Y2)
Arnie (Y3)

Writer of the Week
Anya (Y2)
Archie (Y3)

Mathematician of the Week
Harley (Y2) 
Zach (Y3)

Remember to continue reading daily and completing any spelling practise and your KIRFS at home.

We hope you have a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th February 2024. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Head's Blog   9th February 2024

Posted 12/02/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Happy Half Term

This half term has flown by. We have crammed a lot into a short half term including work around children’s mental health and internet safety this week. In our end of half term assembly on Thursday morning it was lovely to share the children’s thoughts on their ‘best bits’ of the half term which included the fire engine visit to Penhallow Class, car making in Landaviddy Class and writing biographies, especially about footballers, in Talland Class.

Rev Richard visited us to talk about Shrove Tuesday in assembly.  The children are going to encourage him to give up crisps for Lent.

Our Y6 children were invited to Looe Community Academy to learn all about coding on Tuesday and Chaipel Class visited Bodmin Keep yesterday to support their learning about World War 2. The staff there described our pupils as ‘fantastic ambassadors for the school and they should all be very proud!’. Well done Chaipel Class!

World Book Day Competition This year, World Book Day is on 7th March and we will be consulting School Council regarding what the children would like to wear on the day. Meanwhile, our school competition this year is ‘The Wooden Spoon Challenge’ which your child may wish to do over half term. We are asking children to turn a wooden spoon into a book character for World Book Day and will be sending them home with a spoon and details (attached). There will be prizes for each class.

Have a wonderful half term break. We look forward very much to seeing everyone back in school on Monday 19th February.

Mrs Hillman



Posted 12/02/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel have had a busy and very productive final week! It was Safer Internet Day on Tuesday and the class learnt all about how to navigate the internet safely. It threw up some very interesting debates! 

On Wednesday, Chaipel visited Bodmin Keep, Cornwall's Army Museum (as part of our enquiry into WW2) and what a day we had! We used all of our understanding so far, practically putting into context what we had learnt with Home Front and Air Raid workshops, as well as an extensive tour of the exhibits. We were amazed at the armory and medal displays; we even spotted a letter from Florence Nightingale herself, written whilst she was tending to soldiers in the Crimean War during the 1850s. This linked back to an enquiry in a previous year when we had studied the exploits of this incredible woman and the medical impact she had on so many individuals.

We completed our WW2 poetry and those who have chosen to have their piece submitted to the 2024 Fowey Young Writers competition, will do so during our first week back. 

We will be continuing with our enquiry into WW2 for the first couple of weeks back. We are so engaged in the enquiry, we feel the need to complete this before moving on. Chaipel will be learning about the atrocities of the Holocaust and, after studying the life of Anne Frank, will be writing a diary entry (in English) through the eyes of a Jewish child living in Germany under Nazi rule. 

Thank you, as always for your continued support. It is always a pleasure to teach in Chaipel class: we have some inspiring young people in there!

Enjoy the half term!!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Penhallow   Penhallow Class Blog.

Posted 10/02/2024
by Karen Taylor

Penhallow 9.2.2024.

It has been a fantastic, final week of Spring Term 1. We have squeezed so much into these past five weeks and the teachers were busy at school on inset day preparing for the next half of Spring Term.

Our enquiry, What Happened in London a Long Time Ago? was finished brilliantly with a mini quiz and the children were able to bring home their master pieces, which have been created during our art and design and technology lessons. We hope you have enjoyed the children telling you about the 'process' which is always the best part, especially if the 'product' hasn't turned out exactly how they wanted!

It has been a busy classroom this week where the children have enjoyed taking part in active bursts that relate to Children's Mental Health Week that has been celebrated this week. Through daily exercise we were able to explore emotions and feelings discussing why it is important to speak to others about how we are feeling. In PE, we worked hard at being part of a successful team and thoroughly enjoyed our boat game and relay races!

As well as rounding up our topic, the children have also been given opportunities within the classroom to think about some celebrations coming up over half term. We discussed Chinese New Year and discovered what animal year we were born in, this year is the year of the dragon and children have been decorating masks, making paper chains and using their cutting skills to make fortune tellers. We also had a valentines creative table and enjoyed a fliptastic assembly with Reverend Richard who discussed Pancake Day/Shrove Tuesday. Reverend Richard will be giving up crisps for Lent, will you be giving up anything this year?

Children have each gone home with a reading book and Twinkl Read it Together book, it is important that children keep up with their reading every day so please aim to read with your child for at least ten minutes each day, focussing especially on their phonics sounds and tricky words. Another important activity your child has come home with is a number bond activity. Reception should know their number bonds to 5 and Year 1s, number bonds to 5 and 10. This is important as we progress our maths journey into addition and subtraction. Remember there are some additional activities and extra reading opportunities on TwinklGo!
Codes for access:
Year R Phonics: ZW0753
Year R Maths: JX4293
Year 1 Phonics: ZX5318
Year 1 Maths: WB6095

We hope you enjoy a lovely half term and look forward to seeing all children back on Monday the 19th.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton and Mrs C.


Penhallow   2.2.2024

Posted 03/02/2024
by Karen Taylor

Penhallow Class Blog: 2.2.2024.

We have enjoyed a fabulous, busy week in Penhallow, so much to shout about!
In our penultimate week of Spring 1, we are squeezing in as much as possible to cover our Great Fire of London topic, answering the enquiry question; What Happened in London a Long Time Ago?

We were so lucky to welcome the lovely ladies from our kitchen catering team on Wednesday afternoon. We made our own bread rolls, just like they did in the bakery on Pudding Lane in 1666.

We have been designing and beginning to make our own moving fire engines. The children loved using the saw to make their chassis with moving axle. This week, we will make the body of our fire engines and decorate.

In music, we have continued to learn our song about London in 1666. The children thoroughly enjoyed singing this to the rest of the school in our Friday assembly.

Well done to our people of the week this week, Kai and Lowen. They have shown excellent examples of our school values this week.

Keep up with your daily reading and practicing your KIRFs regularly.

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton and Mrs C.


Head's Blog   2nd February 2024

Posted 02/02/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Another busy week at school has included two special visitors to Chaipel Class to help with their learning about World War Two. Rev Richard shared his family’s intriguing WW2 stories and Ava’s dad shared some fascinating items from WW2. In today’s assembly, Penhallow Class sang ‘In 1666, The Great Fire of London’ to everyone. They learned this as part of their enquiry about what happened in London a long time ago. More information regarding your child’s week at school can be found on their class blogs.

Dropping off in the morning Please ensure that your child arrives in plenty of time before the gate closes at 8:45 in the morning. The start of the school day is very important for children as this sets the scene for them and they miss out on important messages and learning if they are late.

Supporting your child with maths Thank you to those of you who have completed our short maths questionnaire (attached) regarding how you feel about supporting your child with maths at home. If you have not done so, it would be really helpful for us if you could fill this in and return it by email to

Safer Internet Day 2024 Safer Internet Day 2024 takes place next Tuesday with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’. Safer Internet Day is a great opportunity to focus on online safety with your child, whatever their age. The UK Safer Internet Centre has created a range of pages to help you talk about these issues and ideas with your child, no matter how much time you have and in an age-appropriate way The NSPCC also offers valuable advice to help you learn about staying safe online as a family here:

Children’s Mental Health Week Next week we will be taking part in Children’s Mental Health Week. The theme this year is ‘My Voice Matters’. My Voice Matters is about empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. This year, we want to empower children of all ages, backgrounds and abilities to work together to create a positive change for their mental health and wellbeing. Our aim is for Children’s Mental Health Week, we want all children and young people to be able to say – and believe - “My Voice Matters.” As parents and carers, you play an important role in your child’s mental health. There are free resources here which you may wish to look at beforehand.

Menu Change 8th February On Thursday next week there will be a special menu for National Pizza day, please see menu attached and log in to Parentpay to make your child’s selection for this day.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 2.2.2024

Posted 02/02/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Class Blog 2.2.2024

Happy February everyone! 

A busy penultimate week of Spring term 1 for Talland class...

Year 4 have been looking at multiplying 2 or 3-digit numbers with a 1-digit number (21 x 4 = or 342 x 5 =). We've used lots of resources to help show how creating groups can assist you when trying to solve the problem. We've also been using column method strategies to check that our answers are correct.
year 5 have now completed their multiplication and division unit and will begin fractions next week. Why not quiz your child on either multiplying a 4- digit number by a 2-digit number or a division problem where a remainder is required...

We have just finished writing a biography about an inspirational person of 'Power'. Looking at Talland's work, I've seen some fantastic examples. Who did your child write about?

We've been getting extremely technical in computing. The children were introduced to Micro:bits where they were creating algorithms. These algorithms enabled the Micro:bit to light up their names through the LED lamps. Next week, we will be measuring sound and temperature with these fun little computers.

Well done to the players that represented Polperro in the football match this week! They worked really hard and should be proud of their efforts! Also, congratulations to Skye for being noticed as our visible learner of the week - her excellent behaviour and hard work has not gone unnoticed.  

That's all from us. We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.




Posted 02/02/2024
by Emily Randle

It has been an exciting week in Chaipel this week, with many 'guests' visiting our class to support and enrich our enquiry into WW2. We started off the week by sharing our WW2 evacuee letters with each other. We gave positive feedback in areas of strength and also where we feel our peer's next steps could be.  We have moved onto poetry: writing a Free Verse poem about the D-Day landings. This links into the Fowey Young Writers and Artists competition and their theme of 'beaches' and Chaipel will have the opportunity to enter their final piece into the competition, should they choose to. Exciting times!

In Maths, Y5s have been multiplying using the long column method. Mixed reviews at the moment but it is just the start of their journey and they will have mastered it by next week - hopefully! Y6s are learning about Ratio and Proportion and are steaming ahead. 

We have had the pleasure of having Caterlink in to bake WW2 eggless carrot cookies on Wednesday, followed by Reverend Richard talking about his father's childhood evacuee experiences. If that wasn't enough, Ava's dad then arrived with primary sources from the war. We saw photos, ratio books, letters, wireless reports, telegraphs and medals. We have been truely blessed this week and thank everyone involved for giving up their time.

So, it's our trip to Bodmin Keep on Wednesday. Just a reminder that it is school uniform and children will require a drink, snack and packed lunch. Please let the secretary know if your child requires a school packed lunch please. The trip is in normal school hours so please ensure that your child arrives promptly at school on Wednesday as we will be leaving shortly after 9am.

That's all from Chaipel, so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert


Landaviddy   Friday 2nd February 2024

Posted 02/02/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Crazy Cars

Landaviddy finally made their toy cars this week! We had to employ our growth mindsets, but everyone managed to independently create their car. We even had a go at sawing the dowels for our axles! In History, we have been learning about the history of transport. Can you remember when the steam train was invented and by who? In Geography, we looked further into physical and human features by comparing those we would find in Morocco and Cornwall. We also conducted a traffic survey and bird watch of our local area.

In English, we have started a new unit, reading the story 'The Lonely Beast' by Chris Judge. We have engaged in whole class discussions, asked and answered questions using illustrations, collected amazing vocabulary to describe the Lonely Beast and written our own Missing posters!

In Maths, Year 2 have been multiplying and dividing by 2 and 10. Year 3 have been multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8. We've used lots of pictorials this week to support us with our learning. Next week, we will be finishing off this unit, ready to move on after half term!

Congratulations to Isabelle for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week and a big well done to Reuben for his 33 club and Archie for his 55 club!

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Killigarth Nursery   8/2/24

Posted 31/01/2024
by Julie Peat

It has been a busy two weeks at nursery. We have been exploring transport and answering our enquiry question of "How do we get from one place to another?"
The children have enjoyed talking about different types of transport and how they get around, how they get to nursery and what transport might take them on holiday. They have enjoyed craft activities such as making aeroplanes and paper plate cars and as some children talked about coming to nursery on their scooters, they were thrilled to make their own from lolly sticks.

In maths, we have continued to practice formimg and writing numbers and the children are doing well with this. 

In phonics, the children have been learning to recognise and name some instrumental sounds, practicing to make loud and quiet sounds with instruments and learning how to copy a sequence of body sounds such as clap hands, stamp feet and click tongue.

On Thursday, we have enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. As it is the year of the dragon, the children coloured in dragon faces. They used glue to stick and make chinese lanterns and for snack, explored some chinese foods such as rice, noodles and prawn crackers (which were a firm favourite)

It is INSET tomorrow (Friday) and then next week is half term. We hope you all have a lovely week and look forward to returning on Monday 19th February ready to start some new and exciting explorations and adventures.

Julie and Sarah


Head's Blog   26th January 2024

Posted 28/01/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Highlights of a very busy week have included an exciting visit from Looe Fire Station to Penhallow Class as part of their learning about the great Fire of London;  Rev Richard's assembly which reminded us of helping each other to keep trying with our plans and resolutions for 2024 and our cross country runners' successes.

Cross-Country Congratulations to our cross-country team who ran brilliantly at last week’s race at Cotehele. Well done also to the children who visited Looe Community Academy this week for a cross-country race (see photo). Their behaviour was exemplary and we are very proud of them. 

Looe Mini Miler Please find attached details of the Looe Mini Miler, a fun run which takes place at 10am on Sunday 25th February. The race which is organised by the Looe Pioneers is suitable for children aged 4 and above, please note entries must be made online before race day.

Supporting your child with maths Please find attached a very short questionnaire regarding how you feel about supporting your child with maths at home. It would be really helpful for us if you could fill this in and return it by email to Do please let us know if you require a paper copy.

Arbor Reminder that if any of your contact details have changed such as address, emails or phone numbers, please update them on Arbor.

Upcoming dates Reminder that Friday 9th February is an INSET day and half term is 12-16 February.

Wishing you all a lovely weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Penhallow   Penhallow Spring 1, Week 4.

Posted 27/01/2024
by Karen Taylor

We have enjoyed a fantastic week in Penhallow this week. The fun started as soon as the children arrived on Monday morning when we had a visit from the Looe Fire Engine and some of the Looe crew. The children learned about fire safety and what to do in an emergency and were able to explore the fire engine and discuss how a modern fire engine has improved from the fire engines used in The Great Fire of London in 1666.

In maths, we continue to explore numbers to 20, using number lines and practical ways to understand one more and one less.

In English we continue with adding a narrative to our wordless book, Journey. The magical adventure continues and children consider what they would draw if they had a magic crayon.

We have been looking at London Landmarks and children have enjoyed making these in our construction area. Junk modelling has also been a huge hit towards the end of the week this week where a brilliant fire engine was made by a group working brilliantly together.

Well done to Ada and Lowen for being Penhallow's 'People of the Week,' they showed us brilliant examples of the School Values this week, well done!

Remember to keep up with your reading at home and practicing those KIRFs. TwinklGO! has an array of books and activities to enjoy.

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend and look forward to another week of fun learning next week!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton and Mrs C.



Posted 26/01/2024
by Emily Randle

We have had a busy week in Chaipel Class! In English, we have been draft writing, editing and improving and writing up our evacuee letters in best. The quality of the work produced is absolutely incredible and everyone has really immersed themselves in life as a WW2 evacuee. 

In Maths, we have been tackling converting a range of units of measure, including reading and interpreting timetables, and are confident in this area now - even Rosie May is smiling!

Our enquiry has taken us to learning about Morse Code, trialling our circuits in Science to send messages WW2-style! We have been learning about music linked to the 1940s and have been using instruments to re-create some old favourites. In PE, Chaipel are learning about passes in Netball and we are learning how to create dance motifs (with a WW2 theme) in Dance.

I just want to say a big 'Thank You' to the parents for taking time out to see Mrs Hillman and myself regarding the SATs home/school revision agenda. Books will be sent home with the children on Monday to get revising on.

School Trip
Our trip to Bodmin Keep is coming up quickly. Can you please ensure that you return your slip as soon as possible so that I can finalise numbers with the organisers.

That's all from us so have a lovely weeked!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


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