Class Blog for Killigarth Nursery

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We have had a super busy week at nursery. We are exploring our new enquiry question of "How does colour make us feel?"
We started off the week with some spooky halloween activities. The children enjoyed scooping out the pumpkins on the tuft tray and making potions with the black and orange pasta with some children commenting that it gets black at night and sometimes it can make them feel scared. They enjoyed making paper plate pumpkins and spooky cotton wool ghosts.
The children have made firsework pictures by rolling marbles and many of the children commented that they were going to see fireworks and all of the different colours that they bring. We looked at our non fiction book on bonfire night and then recreated some fires by painting the childrens hands.
In maths, we have been counting and sorting pom poms onto pumpkins.
It has been a lovely week of fun filled activities and learning and we will continue to explore colour next week when we look at the story of the colour monster!

Have a lovely weekend everyone and we will see you on Monday.

Julie and Sarah

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This week we have finished exploring our enquiry question of "How do i know it is autumn?"
The children enjoyed making autumn plates using sticks and finger painting on different autumn coloured leaves. They carried out printing using different fruits and vegetables in the paint and during outdoor learning, went on an autumn welly walk.
At story time, we have enjoyed books such as "The leaf thief" and in cooking the children made cheese shape biscuits by mixing, stirring and rolling.

It has been a busy few weeks, but we have now come to the end with INSET tomorrow and then half term.

We return to nursery on Monday 30th October

Have a lovely half term and we look forward to seeing you all back soon.

Julie and Sarah



This week we have thrown ourselves into exploring autumn. The children all took home a special bag last week to collect some autumn treasures and this week have brought them back. We have enjoyed looking in them and seeing what the children have managed to collect including acorns, leaves and ferns, they then made beautiful autumn wreaths using the items they collected.
In outdoor learning on the field last week, the children made hedgehogs out of clay and this week enjoyed making a hedgehog house decorated with leaves where the hedgehogs could live.
We have enjoyed exploring an autumn themed tuft tray and explored what happens in autumn such as why the leaves fall off of the trees.
In maths, we have been recognising numbers in our environment.

Just a reminder that it is INSET next Friday (20th) and then half term.
Have a lovely weekend and see you on Monday.

Julie and Sarah



This week we have been answering our new enquiry question of "How do i know it is autumn?" and we have been exploring the story of "Goldilocks and the three bears"
The children have enjoyed exploring in the tuft tray with the oats and have used the bear and Goldilocks puppets to explore sizes and act out the story.
They have taken part in lots of different craft activities which has included making a bear face and we have started some autumn craft by painting leaves and making leaf prints on the paper. The children have also made finger print leaves on their trees.
We have enjoyed the outside area this week and on Tuesday went to the school garden where we had some porridge, read the "Goldilocks and the three bears" story and collected some sticks to make our clay hedgehogs.

We have had a busy week and look forward to continuing this next week.
Just a reminder that we have a Bags2school collection on Monday so if you have any good quality clothes, shoes or bags that you no longer want then please bag them up and pop them into us.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah



This week we have continued to discuss animals and pets and the children have talked about animals that they have at home as well as those that they would like to take home including crocodiles!!
The children have been busy creating paper plate leopards and tigers and have explored different animal prints. They even created their own print that we turned into a musical shaker.
They have been busy exploring and having a go at colour sequences and naming and sorting shapes to go on their shape snakes.
On Thursday they enjoyed making animal shaped sandwiches. The children all did a great job of trying to spread and construct their sandwiches to take home.

Have a good weekend

Julie and Sarah



This week in nursery we started our enquiry question of "Can all animals live in our house?"
We have been busy exploring different types of animals and whether we can keep them as pets in our house of if they live elsewhere. In our book area we have been exploring and have enjoyed reading the story of "The tiger who came to tea" with some of the children suggesting which animals they would like to visit their houses.
In art and craft, the children have made paper plate birds and hand and arm print giraffes. They have used play dough to manipulate into different shapes.
We have enjoyed cooking this week and the children made funny face wraps using different fruit and vegetables. We have also enjoy learning about different musical sounds and sounds in our environment during phonics. The children explored the different sounds that they made through the tapping of drum sticks on a variety of surfaces.

We will continue to explore and learn about different animals next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah

 Image Gallery




We have had a great week. We have continued our enquiry questions of "Who am i?" and the children have been talking about where they live. They made their house using and naming different shapes as they did this. We talked about our likes and dislikes and they enjoyed some cooking where we made stuffed peppers. The children practiced cutting skills and showed their preferences for different foods.
 We have enjoyed using the field and school garden this week and the children went on a hunt to collect lots of different natural objects so they could create their own faces and collages. We enjoyed smelling the herbs and seeing who could find the biggest and tallest sticks.

We look forward to more great activities and explorations next week.
Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah




Welcome back everyone!!
We hope you all had a fun filled and enjoyable summer. It has been lovely to welcome all of our returning children back to nursery as well as some new faces and to see new friendships forming.

We have had a lovely start to the new term with the weather been so sunny which means we have had lots of opportunities to be outside where the children have particularly enjoyed playing in the sand and water.
Our new enquiry question is "Who am i?" The children have started to make paper plate and wooden spoon portraits and have talked about different features of their faces such as eye and hair colour. The role play area has become a home corner where the children have been looking after the babies and making shopping lists.

In the book corner we have shared stories about making firends and helping each other to feel happy.
We will continue to carry out Kirfs (Key instant recall facts) this half term for maths and letters for this will be sent out next week for your information.

Have a lovely weekend
Julie and Sarah


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