Class Blog for Killigarth Nursery

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This week we have been looking at different types of insects and answering our new enquiry question “What do bugs do?”
The children have been busy exploring the bugs in the tuft tray and comparing them to our insect book to see what they are called.
They have created lovely art work including paper plate and thumb print lady birds and brightly coloured butterflies.

At story time we have enjoyed the story of “The bad tempered ladybird” and “What the ladybird heard”.
In phonics we have been making different voice sounds, grouping objects with the same initial sound and performing different actions to a song about the woods and woodland animals.

In maths we have been writing numbers 1-5, ordering and grouping numbers and comparing sizes.

We now have a long weekend with the bank holiday upon us and hopefully the weather will be kind.

Have a lovely time and we will see you back to nursery from Tuesday.

Julie and Sarah



This week at nursery we have been continuing to look at planting and growing. The children have been planting beans in the hope that they can grow a beanstalk like in the story and coloured a giant's castle to go in the pot with it.
They have all been busy with arts and craft and have been creating handprint flowers and carrots in the paint.
The children have practiced writing their names in order to create a name flower.
We have enjoyed some nice weather this week and have spent lots of time outside, especially in the sand and water trays.

At story time, we have been reading the story of "The runaway pea". The children have also planted their own peas and we will watch as they grow here in nursery beofre they take them home.

In maths this week, we have been naming and ordering numbers. The children have been identifying smaller numbers up to 5 and bigger numbers up to 10 and beyond for some.

In phonics this week, we have looked at "shopping" and the children have enjoyed playing games such as Robot Rick's shopping trip where they had to blend sounds into short words. We have talked about and identified sounds in our nursery environment both indoors and out and have been identifying inital sounds in words.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah



It was grerat to be back to nursery this week and to see everyone. We welcomed our returning children and welcomed our new children and families to nursery for their settling in visits.
This week, we are exploring planting and growing and answering our enquiry question "What makes things grow?"
The children have enjoyed playing in the garden centre role play where they have been acting out the role of shop keeper and have been watering the flowers and selling seeds.
They have been exploring the tuft tray with interest, filling and pouring with the tubes and tubs and mixing colours with the paint blocks.
The children have started to plant seeds, which we will watch to see how they grow and see if we can make them as tall as a beanstalk.

At story time, we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have made a beanstalk in our book area.
In phonics, the children have been breaking down short words into sounds, making up silly rhyming words and talking about the sounds that different musical instruments make.

In maths, we are learning to name, order and write numbers from 1-5.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week.

Julie and Sarah



 Easter is here! The children have been busy finishing their Easter craft and especially enjoyed making chocolate nests to go in their bunny baskets. They painted and made handprints as rabbit ears on hats.

The children have been busy matching numbered eggs on the maths table and have been following a sequence of colour patterns with eggs.
in phonics we have been naming things we might see at the seaside. The children have been clapping syllables in words and played seaside bingo!

The Easter break is now upon us. We hope you all have a wonderful, fun filled two weeks and we look forward to seeing everyone when we return to nursery on Monday 15th April.

Julie and Sarah



This week we have started looking at Easter and the children have all been busy creating Easter craft.
They have been making lots of lovely things to take home including bunny baskets and handprint bunny headbands.
Outside, we have collected lots of natural items including leaves and petals to stick onto Easter egg shapes. 

In maths, the children have been fitting shapes into inset puzzles, finding objects that represent the number 3 and up to 5 and practicing to write numbers.

In phonics we have been learning about safari animals. We have been learning to identify animal sounds from a small group when playing "who's hiding under there?". The children have been playing instruments that might sound like different animals and exploring ways to move our bodies like different animals such as snakes, elephants and lions.

We have four more nursery days before the Easter holidays and look forward to seeing everyone next week.

Julie and Sarah



This week in nursery, we have continued to explore spring. The children have been busy exploring what happens in spring and have enjoyed playing in the spring themed tuft tray using tools to dig in soil with and putting plants and flowers into pots.
They have used vegetables to create flower pictures in paint and created beautiful spring wreaths using different materials.

At story time, we have looked at different books relating to spring including "On the farm" where the children named the baby animals they saw.
In phonics, we have been using our voices to copy animal sounds, hearing initial sounds in words and trying to match words together that rhyme with each other.

In maths the children have been countng and sorting number puppies into groups and been finding objects to represent numbers.

On Friday it was Comic Relief and the children came dressed in their red clothes to celebrate this. They got creative and made some red noses and we went on a hunt for lots of objects that are the colour red.

Next week, we start to look at Easter and are very excited to start lots of activities related to this.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah



Its been a busy week at nursery. On Tuesday we celebrated St Piran's Day. The children enjoyed a cream tea at morning snack (jam first!!) and they painted flags to take home.
We are exploring spring and answering our enquiry question of "What happens in spring?". The children have made tissue paper plate flowers and have made musical flower shakers which we have played whilst singing lots of songs. The children have done some still life painting, observisng a vase of daffodils and then painting their own interpretation of what they saw. They all did a great job!
In phonics we have been naming and describing sounds in our environment, hearing and identifing initial sounds in words and trying to keep in time with a simple beat.

In maths, we have been finding objects to represent the number 3 and the children have been practicing their counting :)

On Thursday, the children dressed up for World Book Day. They all looked great dressed up as their spoon character or in their pyjamas. We enjoyed reading and sharing the books that were brought in from home.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah

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This week the children have continued to explore farms and where our food comes from and have enjoyed a farm themed tuft tray with real vegetables and cereal!
They have finished our farm animal related craft, creating muddy pigs using their fingers in the paint and handprint chickens.

At story time, we have enjoyed the story "Moo, moo, mooing" and have turned our book corner into the cow from the story.

In Maths, we have continued to find objects that represent the number 3. Some of the children have been using toys such as the train track to create these numbers.

Next week we will be exploring all things related to spring.

World Book Day is next Thursday and the children in on this day are invited to come in wearing their pyjamas and to bring a teddy and their favourite story.

Have a great weekend

Julie and Sarah

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It has been a lovely week back after the half term holiday. We have welcomed some new children to nursery and they have settled in so well. We have been learning about farms and farm animals. We are answering our enquiry question of "Who lives on a farm and where does our food come from?"
The children have been busy creating different crafts including paper plate cows, handprint chickens and doily sheep. We have discussed what animals we might find on a farm and talked about the noises they make.

In maths, the children have been finding objects to represent the number 3 and have been naming and using shapes to make farm tractors.
In phonics, we have been making animal noises and listening to and identifying animal sounds. The children have clapped the syllables in animal names and been trying hard to identify initial sounds of words.

We have enjoyed reading a variety of stories including "Hen's pens" and "What the ladybird heard" and the children have been discussing what they think might happen next in stories.

We look forward to another busy week next week.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah



It has been a busy two weeks at nursery. We have been exploring transport and answering our enquiry question of "How do we get from one place to another?"
The children have enjoyed talking about different types of transport and how they get around, how they get to nursery and what transport might take them on holiday. They have enjoyed craft activities such as making aeroplanes and paper plate cars and as some children talked about coming to nursery on their scooters, they were thrilled to make their own from lolly sticks.

In maths, we have continued to practice formimg and writing numbers and the children are doing well with this. 

In phonics, the children have been learning to recognise and name some instrumental sounds, practicing to make loud and quiet sounds with instruments and learning how to copy a sequence of body sounds such as clap hands, stamp feet and click tongue.

On Thursday, we have enjoyed celebrating Chinese New Year. As it is the year of the dragon, the children coloured in dragon faces. They used glue to stick and make chinese lanterns and for snack, explored some chinese foods such as rice, noodles and prawn crackers (which were a firm favourite)

It is INSET tomorrow (Friday) and then next week is half term. We hope you all have a lovely week and look forward to returning on Monday 19th February ready to start some new and exciting explorations and adventures.

Julie and Sarah

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