Class Blog for Landaviddy

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Friday 26th April 2024 

Wow the second week is over already! 

This week we have continued looking into our enquiry question in Geography, by using atlas' to explore the settlements of the UK. We learnt what the difference is between a village, town and city and located cities on maps of the UK. As Historians, we have thought about how we can learn about the past and what it means to be an explorer. We also recognised the difference between primary and secondary sources. Can you remember the difference? Can you think of any examples? We explored the artwork of Michelangelo in Art and had a go at experimenting to create different shades of colours. Finally, during our Science lesson this week we investigated how magnets interact with different materials; do they repel or attract?

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and read about the lives of Amelia Earhart and Mary Anning in a brilliant book called Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World. We learnt how to use commas when listing items and applied this when writing sentences. Next week, we will hope to write our own biographies about people who have campaigned for something important.

In Maths, we are coming towards to the end of our unit on Shape, which all the children have been working so hard on. Y2 have been able to count the faces, edges and vertices on 3-D shapes. Y3 have been revising their knowledge of 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making 3-D shapes using multilink cubes.

Congratulations to Isabelle for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi for achieving her 88 club badge! 

Class Trip
Everyone has been sent home with a letter for our class trip to the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth on Thursday 9th May 2024. Please be sure to pay your contribution and return your permission slips as soon as you can. Thank you.

Please see attached the Knowledge Web, KIRFS and Homework Grid for this half term. Of course, should you have any questions please do let me know.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Cullingford

 Image Gallery



Friday 19th April 2024 

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter holidays. We started the term by designing posters for the Polperro Festival, which were fantastic! Well done everyone! 

We have started our new Enquiry question this half term, 'Could You Be An Explorer?'. As part of this, we have started in Geography by learning about the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom. In Science, we have began to look at magnets and forces at a distance. We also loved our French lesson this week with Mrs Hillman, where we learnt the names of different ice cream flavours!

In Music this week, we were treated to the wonderful Polperro Wreckers, which was amazing! In Art this half term, we will be covering a range of European artists and developing our skills in a range of areas. This week, we learnt all about Anselm Kiefer and enjoyed looking at his artwork. We then applied our sketching knowledge to draw broken buildings, inspired by Anselm.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on Shape. Year 2 have been looking at lines of symmetry on 2-D shapes and drawing accurately with rulers, which has required lots of determination. Year 3 have been revisiting angles and horizontal and vertical lines, as well as being introduced to parallel and perpendicular lines.

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and have enjoyed reading about the life of Greta Thunburg. We have written emails from the perspective of Greta and role played interviewing her about the global climate crisis. Next week, we will be learning about the lives of some famous women from History.

Congratulations to Everly for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! 

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mrs Cullingford


Thursday 28th March 2024 

Have an Egg-cellent Easter!

What a lovely week we have had in Landaviddy!

We finished making our moveable volcano posters, by attaching a lever mechanism. The results were fantastic! You should all feel very proud of your hard work!

After a lot of effort in Computing, we managed to connect the microbit's to our class iPads and download the algorithms of our volcano animations. 

Jamie brought in some real pieces of solidified lava that his Granny brought back from her recent holiday. We couldn't believe it! The rock had a very interesting texture and smell. Thank you for sharing this with us.

We also had a visit from the Easter Bunny, which was very exciting! 

Congratulations to Arnie for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done for the whole of Landaviddy class for being determined and always trying your best.

Today, we have had to say goodbye to Mr H, who is moving on to a new job. We will miss you Mr H and wish you the best of luck!

I hope you have a lovely Easter holidays, enjoy some relaxation and sunshine (hopefully)! We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 15th April

Miss Gibbings and Mrs Phillips


Friday 22nd March 2024 

We've had another busy week in Landaviddy! As Scientists, we planned and conducted an investigation to see which surfaces a protractor would travel furtherest on. We then wrote up our conclusions. Were you surprised with your results?

In Geography, we learnt about earthquakes and the damage they can cause. We sketched and painted our volcanoes in DT, ready to complete our moveable volcano posters next week! And had a fantastic whole school singing session with Mrs Butlin this week - we really got into the spirit of Easter! 

In English, we have started a new unit on biographies. We read Malala's Magic Pencil and learnt about how she found her voice and used it to stand up for others. We have also read the biography of Marcus Rashford, which we all found fascinating!

In Maths, Year 2 have have finished their unit on Length and Height, and Year 3 have concluded multiplication and division! Next, we will be moving on to explore Shape.

Congratulations to Benjamin and Callum for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi, Zac and Arnie for achieving their 99 club!

It was lovely to meet with you all this week, to share the progress all the children have made during our parent consultations.  

Next week is our final week before the Easter holidays, where we will be finishing at 1:30pm on Thursday. Until then, we hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you for some Easter fun next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Friday 15th March 2024 

We have covered a lot during our Wider Curriculum lessons this week! In Science, we learnt that a force is a push or pull, by exploring how we make a range of objects move. In Geography, we discovered there are three types of volcanoes; active, dormant and extinct. Can you remember what each of these mean? We also debated why living near a volcano may have its benefits and consequences. In DT, we explored a lever mechanism by creating mockups, which we will use when creating our own moveable posters - we can't wait! During our Computing lesson, we loved exploring how the micro:bit's work and planned for our volcano animations, which we will code next week! 

English this week has consisted of lots of story writing! We have been working hard to finish our Traction Man inspired adventure stories, and both myself and Mr H have been so impressed! Well done! 

In Maths, Year 2 have continued working hard measuring length and height this week. They have been measuring in metres and comparing measurements carefully. Year 3 have continued working on division, focussing on how we can flexibly partition numbers and divide with remainders. 

Congratulations to George, Anya and Heidi for achieving your 99 club badges this week! And a big well done to George and Nevaeh for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. 

Next week are Parent Consultations, and we are looking forward to meeting with you all.

I hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Friday 8th March 2024 

We've had a very exciting week in Landaviddy! 

On Tuesday, we learnt in Geography about the formation of volcanoes. Can you recall the names of the parts of a volcano? We also conducted an experiment where we made an erupting volcano, which was fantastic! It was so much fun! In Science, we finished our unit on materials, considering how we can bend, twist and stretch different objects. 

In English, we finished planning our adventure stories inspired by Traction Man, and began writing our first drafts. We will finish these off next week! 

In Maths, Year 2 have started a new unit on Length and Height. They have been measuring in centimetres (cm) with great accuracy. Year 3 have been dividing 2-digit numbers, using part-whole models to support partitioning numbers into tens and ones. We have had to use our growth mindsets this week, but everyone has been up for the challenge! 

On Thursday, we celebrated World Book Day across the school by dressing up as our favourite book characters or wearing our pyjamas. We had a fantastic day! In the morning, Year 1 and 2 watched a digital event hosted by the author Helen Stephens. We loved hearing her stories and seeing how she created her illustrations for her story books 'Smelly Peggy' and 'How to Hide a Lion'. Then in the afternoon, Year 3 joined the rest of KS2 to enjoy a digital event held by Michael Rosen. Overall, we had a fantastic day celebrating our love for reading and books!

Congratulations to Charlie and Flora for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. 

Please find attached below the Knowledge Web for this half term. Of course, should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

We hope you have a wonderful weekend and look forward to seeing you all refreshed on Monday.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H

 Image Gallery



Friday 1st March 2024 

Another week has gone by, and we have continued to explore 'How Can the Force be With You?'. In Science, we have been exploring how materials are suitable for different purposes and describing their properties. In Geography, we learnt about the layers of soil and layers of the earth. In Computing, we made our flipbooks and look forward to planning for our own volcano animations. We had a brilliant music lesson with Mrs Butlin too, as always! On Monday, we had an excellent PE lesson with Mrs Phillips, focussing on Team Building, which required lots of clear communication.

In Maths, Year 2 have continued working hard on Position and Direction, describing movement and turns and creating shape patterns using turns. Year 3 have been multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and making links between multiplication and division. Next week, we will be focussing on dividing 2-digit numbers. 

In English, we have continued learning about Traction Man, exploring the use of onomatopoeia and have started planning for writing our own adventure stories! We can't wait to start writing these next week.

Congratulations to Amber for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week. 

Please find below this half terms KIRFS for you to practise and Homework Grid relating to our enquiry. 

We hope you have a good weekend and look forward to seeing you next week.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H

 Image Gallery



Friday 23rd February 2024 

Welcome Back Landaviddy! We hope you all had a lovely half term break!

We started this week of by launching our new enquiry question for this half term, 'How Can the Force be With You?'. In Science, we have been learning about materials and thinking carefully about what materials are used for certain objects. Could fabric windows work? How about have wooden clothes? 
In Computing, we have been looking at micro:bits and are excited to begin programming this half term. During our first lesson, we created dance sequences in pairs and made links between each move we chose and how animation works. Next week, we will begin by creating our own flipbooks. We loved our Music session with Mrs Butlin this week, as we finally got to have a go with the Ukuleles! 

We started a new unit in English, exploring the Traction Man series by Mini Grey. Everyone has loved reading the stories and engaging in some excellent book talk! We used drama to recreate the story and then shared our performances to the class. It was fantastic to see everyone taking on a character and this really brought the story to life! We have started recalling the story map for Traction Man and the Beach Odyssey, which is help us when it comes to writing our own narratives!

In Maths, Year 2 have been learning about Position and Direction, ensuring they use the correct language when describing movement. Year 3 have begun their second unit of Multiplication and Division, where we have been using related calculations to solve number sentences and multiplying 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers. 

Congratulations to Harley and Heidi for being Landaviddy's People of the Week! And a big well done to Grace for achieving her 33 club and Benjamin for his 55 club!

We hope you enjoy a relaxing weekend and look forward to seeing you back on Monday, refreshed for an exciting week of learning! 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Thursday 8th February 2024 

This week we concluded our enquiry 'How Far Can We Travel?' by reflecting upon our wider curriculum learning this half term. In Geography, we loved learning about Morocco and comparing the physical and human features with Cornwall. In History, we learnt about the timeline of space travel and how transport has changed overtime. In Computing, we explored how information could travel using the internet and how we can transport communication by writing blogs. 

In English, we have been working hard refining our sentence writing when describing. We have used 2A sentences to create a setting description for a journey the Lonely Beast went on. 

In Maths, we have finished our Multiplication and Division units and completed our post assessments. After half term, Year 2 will be moving on to Position and Direction and Year 3 will be delving deeper into Multiplication and Division, building up our knowledge by looking at how we can tackle 2 digit numbers.

Congratulations to Landaviddy's Readers, Writers and Mathematicians of the Week. We are so proud of you all!

Reader of the Week
Lowen (Y2)
Arnie (Y3)

Writer of the Week
Anya (Y2)
Archie (Y3)

Mathematician of the Week
Harley (Y2) 
Zach (Y3)

Remember to continue reading daily and completing any spelling practise and your KIRFS at home.

We hope you have a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming you back on Monday 19th February 2024. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Friday 2nd February 2024 

Crazy Cars

Landaviddy finally made their toy cars this week! We had to employ our growth mindsets, but everyone managed to independently create their car. We even had a go at sawing the dowels for our axles! In History, we have been learning about the history of transport. Can you remember when the steam train was invented and by who? In Geography, we looked further into physical and human features by comparing those we would find in Morocco and Cornwall. We also conducted a traffic survey and bird watch of our local area.

In English, we have started a new unit, reading the story 'The Lonely Beast' by Chris Judge. We have engaged in whole class discussions, asked and answered questions using illustrations, collected amazing vocabulary to describe the Lonely Beast and written our own Missing posters!

In Maths, Year 2 have been multiplying and dividing by 2 and 10. Year 3 have been multiplying and dividing by 4 and 8. We've used lots of pictorials this week to support us with our learning. Next week, we will be finishing off this unit, ready to move on after half term!

Congratulations to Isabelle for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week and a big well done to Reuben for his 33 club and Archie for his 55 club!

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday.

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


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