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Talland   Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Week two came and went in the blink of an eye!

There's been an abundance of sport, jelly making, science investigations, instruction writing and much more...

Year 4 have been finding out about how to write fractions and decimals and hundredths. Some children have been thinking about how that can link to percentages too.
Year 5 have continued to measure angles and perimeter in shapes. They're very handy with a protractor now!

We have finished writing our instructions about 'How to make Jelly'. We have followed the instructions and made our own jelly. The children are now planning how to make instructions for a 'Gruesome Smoothie'. I'm looking forward to getting outside and finding our ingredients next week!

Talland have explored a range of activities to play in an outdoor environment and we've been practicing how to return the shuttlecock in badminton. Some children challenged themselves to catch their opponent out and return the shuttlecock to a space on the court where the partner wasn't to help them win a point.

We have looked at and experimented on jelly - how does it change its state of matter? Why not ask your child how the jelly changes when heated and then cooled...
We also began thinking about our experiment for next week - What is the best material to wrap a cup in to keep drinks warmer for longer? The material and the ice cubes are already waiting...

This topic is linking nicely to Science this term. After we have our results for the experiment, Talland will be creating an excel spread sheet to gather data. We will then transfer the data to a graph, which will show help to show our results in a pictorial manner.

A huge well done to Nuala this week for being noticed for excellent behaviour and trying her best in lessons. 

Exciting News:
School trip information coming Monday... I'm personally looking forward to the 10th May. I think all of Talland will be once we find out where we are going!

That's it from Talland this week. We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Landaviddy   Friday 26th April 2024

Posted 26/04/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Wow the second week is over already! 

This week we have continued looking into our enquiry question in Geography, by using atlas' to explore the settlements of the UK. We learnt what the difference is between a village, town and city and located cities on maps of the UK. As Historians, we have thought about how we can learn about the past and what it means to be an explorer. We also recognised the difference between primary and secondary sources. Can you remember the difference? Can you think of any examples? We explored the artwork of Michelangelo in Art and had a go at experimenting to create different shades of colours. Finally, during our Science lesson this week we investigated how magnets interact with different materials; do they repel or attract?

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and read about the lives of Amelia Earhart and Mary Anning in a brilliant book called Fantastically Great Women Who Changed the World. We learnt how to use commas when listing items and applied this when writing sentences. Next week, we will hope to write our own biographies about people who have campaigned for something important.

In Maths, we are coming towards to the end of our unit on Shape, which all the children have been working so hard on. Y2 have been able to count the faces, edges and vertices on 3-D shapes. Y3 have been revising their knowledge of 2-D and 3-D shapes, as well as making 3-D shapes using multilink cubes.

Congratulations to Isabelle for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi for achieving her 88 club badge! 

Class Trip
Everyone has been sent home with a letter for our class trip to the National Maritime Museum in Falmouth on Thursday 9th May 2024. Please be sure to pay your contribution and return your permission slips as soon as you can. Thank you.

Please see attached the Knowledge Web, KIRFS and Homework Grid for this half term. Of course, should you have any questions please do let me know.

We hope you have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you next week. 

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford



Posted 26/04/2024
by Emily Randle

What a busy week we've had in Chaipel Class! The week got off to a flying start with an assembly about our Bridge School value (being Excellent). During this assembly, we branched off into our House Teams and discussed what being excellent looks like at Polperro School. We then came back together as a school and shared some of our ideas with each other. Three of our Y6 pupils (Lily, Bayley and Wyatt) demonstrated 'being excellent' by recieving certificates from the Fowey Young Writers Competition. Bayley was Highly Commended and both Lily and Wyatt were Commended for their tremendous efforts on their poems about the D-Day landings.

In English, we have begun to write our explanation text on the seven life processes (Movement, Respiration, Sensitivity, Growth, Reproduction, Excretion and Nutrition).  In PE, we have started to learn what it takes to be an expert at badminton and amazing at orienteering. - ROSIE GRACE

Also this week, our class have picked out our new reading books. They are a range of very interesting texts which we can all enjoy as they are organised so that we can read and comprehend them independently. After we have finished our books, each pupil in Chaipel will do a book review and a persuasive leaflet, explaining why reading for 5 minutes a day is good for our wellbeing! In Computing, we are learning all about algorithms and for Art we have been looking at colour schemes for our tie-dye project! - DAISY R

Our new enquiry has got off to a great start and this week, we have learnt about the reproduction process in a range of living things, moving onto comparing the life cycles of certain animals.

In our Celebration assembly, Jack C got person of the week for being an excellent learning partner to his freinds. In 99 Club we have a big 'well done' for Lily R for achieving her Bronze club (100 arithmetic questions in 4 mins). 

Your child has come home today with a letter about Chaipel's    tie-dying art project. If you could let Miss Randle know whether you are providing a white T-shirt or would like the school to purchase one no later than next week so that we can get the materials we need to make a start!  - JACK

Attached below, is the KIRFs, homework grid and Knowledge Web for this half term.

Have a lovely weekend,



Killigarth Nursery   26/4/24

Posted 26/04/2024
by Julie Peat

This week at nursery we have been continuing to look at planting and growing. The children have been planting beans in the hope that they can grow a beanstalk like in the story and coloured a giant's castle to go in the pot with it.
They have all been busy with arts and craft and have been creating handprint flowers and carrots in the paint.
The children have practiced writing their names in order to create a name flower.
We have enjoyed some nice weather this week and have spent lots of time outside, especially in the sand and water trays.

At story time, we have been reading the story of "The runaway pea". The children have also planted their own peas and we will watch as they grow here in nursery beofre they take them home.

In maths this week, we have been naming and ordering numbers. The children have been identifying smaller numbers up to 5 and bigger numbers up to 10 and beyond for some.

In phonics this week, we have looked at "shopping" and the children have enjoyed playing games such as Robot Rick's shopping trip where they had to blend sounds into short words. We have talked about and identified sounds in our nursery environment both indoors and out and have been identifying inital sounds in words.

Have a lovely weekend

Julie and Sarah


Head's Blog   Summer Term 2024

Posted 21/04/2024
by Anthea Hillman

Welcome back! The summer term has got off to a flying start with enquiry questions for this half term as follows:
Penhallow Class: Is it a Bug’s Life?
Landaviddy Class: Could you be an Explorer?
Talland Class: Can CHANGE change?
Chaipel Class: What do all living things have in common?
Please visit the class blogs to find out more about your child’s learning.

The whole school sang with the Polperro Wreckers in a singing assembly on Thursday and every child has designed a cover for this year’s Polperro Festival Programme competition. Watch this space to find out the winner. Their cover will be used on the programme and the other entries will be displayed around Big Green during the festival.

There is still time to sign up for clubs which resume next week as follows:
Monday: After school RUNNING AND ATHLETICS CLUB for Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 with Mrs Phillips and Mrs Turnbull
Tuesday: After school FOOTBALL CLUB for Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 with Mr Langley
Wednesday: Lunchtime SEWING CLUB for Y2, Y3, Y4, Y5 and Y6 with Miss Gibbings.
Thursday: After school ALTERNATIVE SPORTS CLUB for Y1, Y2 and Y3 with Miss Randle After school GARDENING CLUB for all year groups with Mrs Taylor

Have a wonderful weekend.

Mrs Hillman


Penhallow   15.4.24 - 19.4.2024

Posted 20/04/2024
by Karen Taylor

Welcome back to Summer Term 1!

Welcome back to everyone for the first half of Summer Term! We have got off to a great start where we introduced our new enquiry question: Is it a Bug's Life? We began by asking, are all animals the same and worked together to group animals that were the same.

In English, we have now written our own version of the traditional tale, The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed putting their ideas onto a story board in preparation to write our story as our 'best copy' next week. We have stories about colossal potatoes, enormous blueberries and huge carrots!

In maths, year 1 have been learning all about mass, weight, capacity and volume. They enjoyed weighing different things from around the classroom, learning which was heavier and lighter. Reception children have been exploring 3D shapes and patterns.

PE has been fun this week, especially as we have been able to get outside for our Ball Skills lesson. We also enjoyed our first yoga lesson on Friday, learning that Yoga originated from India, we therefore got into lots of monkey poses and recognised which muscles we were using to balance.

Our music lesson was a little different this week. We had a visit from the Polperro Wreckers. What a delight it was! Listening to a group of gentlemen sing songs all about where we live was a real treat and the children enjoyed talking about how important it was to appreciate different styles of music.

Our phonics lessons have also been a little different this week, the children enjoyed using ipads to explore twinklGO! on Friday, remember this is a resource that can be accessed at home and is updated regularly. Year 1s have been exploring 'alien'/fake words in preparation for our phonics assessments in June. It is important to keep up with daily reading and practising of sounds to ensure we are ready for this check!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, all showing examples of our school values.  Emily, Felix and Evie G were recognised for this, this week. Well done!

We hope you enjoy a lovely weekend, especially now that the sun is shining!

See you on Monday for another fun-packed week of learning!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 19.4.24

Posted 19/04/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland Class Blog 19.4.24

Happy Summer 1 everyone! 

We've kicked off with a busy but fun first week! We've also discussed our enquiry question for this term: Can 'CHANGE' change?

Year 4 have begun using decimals and in particular, looking at tenths.
Year 5 have begun their unit on shape. Why not ask them how to use a protractor. They are getting good a measuring angles up to 180 degrees. 

We have started writing instructions in writing. Talland have been looking at how to make jelly. Hopefully our instructions are good enough to make it successfully...
This term, we are focusing on ORIENTEERING (Mondays) and BADMINTON (Tuesdays). It will be lots of fun! Please make sure that your child has their kit in school ready for these fun and engaging activities. 

This term, we are delving into STATES OF MATTER. We have looked at the differences between solids, liquids gases and described their properties this week. We also looked at key language to help us describe different materials characteristics.

We will be focusing on collage this term. We have already began creating mood boards and looking at a range of different collages. Our final piece should be fantastic and one you might even want to have framed and put up in your home. Watch this space for updates!

I have attached the KIRFs for this term. It would be great if you could help your child practice them (if time allows itself).

That's all from us in Talland this week. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Landaviddy   Friday 19th April 2024

Posted 19/04/2024
by Alice Gibbings

It has been lovely welcoming the children back after the Easter holidays. We started the term by designing posters for the Polperro Festival, which were fantastic! Well done everyone! 

We have started our new Enquiry question this half term, 'Could You Be An Explorer?'. As part of this, we have started in Geography by learning about the countries and capital cities in the United Kingdom. In Science, we have began to look at magnets and forces at a distance. We also loved our French lesson this week with Mrs Hillman, where we learnt the names of different ice cream flavours!

In Music this week, we were treated to the wonderful Polperro Wreckers, which was amazing! In Art this half term, we will be covering a range of European artists and developing our skills in a range of areas. This week, we learnt all about Anselm Kiefer and enjoyed looking at his artwork. We then applied our sketching knowledge to draw broken buildings, inspired by Anselm.

In Maths, we have continued to focus on Shape. Year 2 have been looking at lines of symmetry on 2-D shapes and drawing accurately with rulers, which has required lots of determination. Year 3 have been revisiting angles and horizontal and vertical lines, as well as being introduced to parallel and perpendicular lines.

In English, we have continued to look at biographies and have enjoyed reading about the life of Greta Thunburg. We have written emails from the perspective of Greta and role played interviewing her about the global climate crisis. Next week, we will be learning about the lives of some famous women from History.

Congratulations to Everly for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! 

We hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Miss Cullingford



Posted 19/04/2024
by Emily Randle

What a busy first week back we've had!

In Maths, we have been investigating Statistics; drawing line graphs, bar charts, pie charts (Y6) and tables and understanding why and how these represent data collection.

We have been editing, improving and writing up our best copy of our Midnight Fox in English. Chaipel have written the ending to our class story (which we are now reading to see if any of ours match the imagination of the author, Betsy Byars).

Our study into the Neo-expressionist Basquiat has concluded with the completion of our artwork and subsequent evaluation. Everyone has embraced this particular style of art and the finished pieces will make a great display to showcase the unique style of this incredible artist.

On Thursday we had the Polperro Wreckers in school to sing some Sea Shanties. They then joined us for our Music slot where we got to perform alongside them. It was amazing and the school were complemented by how well behaved and enthusiastic the pupils were!

Our new enquiry is...WHAT DO ALL LIVING THINGS HAVE IN COMMON? We will be investigating life cycles and classification - so very Science heavy. We will be Tie-dying in Art (I will send a letter with more info next week) and learing how to programme and code Micro-bits to measure temperature in Computing. Very exciting!!

That's all from me so have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday!

Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Killigarth Nursery   19/4/24

Posted 19/04/2024
by Julie Peat

It was grerat to be back to nursery this week and to see everyone. We welcomed our returning children and welcomed our new children and families to nursery for their settling in visits.
This week, we are exploring planting and growing and answering our enquiry question "What makes things grow?"
The children have enjoyed playing in the garden centre role play where they have been acting out the role of shop keeper and have been watering the flowers and selling seeds.
They have been exploring the tuft tray with interest, filling and pouring with the tubes and tubs and mixing colours with the paint blocks.
The children have started to plant seeds, which we will watch to see how they grow and see if we can make them as tall as a beanstalk.

At story time, we have been enjoying the story of Jack and the Beanstalk and have made a beanstalk in our book area.
In phonics, the children have been breaking down short words into sounds, making up silly rhyming words and talking about the sounds that different musical instruments make.

In maths, we are learning to name, order and write numbers from 1-5.

Have a great weekend and see you all next week.

Julie and Sarah


Landaviddy   Thursday 28th March 2024

Posted 28/03/2024
by Alice Gibbings

Have an Egg-cellent Easter!

What a lovely week we have had in Landaviddy!

We finished making our moveable volcano posters, by attaching a lever mechanism. The results were fantastic! You should all feel very proud of your hard work!

After a lot of effort in Computing, we managed to connect the microbit's to our class iPads and download the algorithms of our volcano animations. 

Jamie brought in some real pieces of solidified lava that his Granny brought back from her recent holiday. We couldn't believe it! The rock had a very interesting texture and smell. Thank you for sharing this with us.

We also had a visit from the Easter Bunny, which was very exciting! 

Congratulations to Arnie for being Landaviddy's Person of the Week! And a big well done for the whole of Landaviddy class for being determined and always trying your best.

Today, we have had to say goodbye to Mr H, who is moving on to a new job. We will miss you Mr H and wish you the best of luck!

I hope you have a lovely Easter holidays, enjoy some relaxation and sunshine (hopefully)! We look forward to seeing you back in school on Monday 15th April

Miss Gibbings and Mrs Phillips


Penhallow   Penhallow Class Blog 28.3.24

Posted 28/03/2024
by Karen Taylor

Have a very Hoppy Easter Penhallow!

We have enjoyed a fabulous end to our spring term this week. 

We have learned all about the Easter Story and how Christians celebrate Easter. The week started with a wonderful assembly from Reverend Richard, we learned all about the relevance of the Hot Cross Bun and how Christians celebrate Easter by making Easter Gardens. The Easter Bunny paid us a visit today and delivered everyone a chocolate egg, which the children thoroughly enjoyed!

We had a fabulous lesson all about how important trees are and how we could look after our trees. We learned about climate change and since, the children have been telling me off for not using both sides of paper! Being very mindful of our environment.

Our PE lesson on Wednesday was altered to an Easter version, learning team games, Bunny, Bunny, Easter Bunny was thoroughly enjoyed by all!

Well done to our 'People of the Week' this week, Tommy and Emily for showing super examples of our school values!

I will update the twinklGO! activites throughout the holidays to keep you updated with our current phonics and maths learning. Please keep up with your fantastic reading, every day!

Enjoy a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you back for the Summer term on the 15th.

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Mrs Hodge.


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 28.3.24

Posted 28/03/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley



It's been a fun-filled week in Talland and everyone is very excited to sink their teeth into some well deserved chocolate. 

The children have become fantastic little gymnasts and have enjoyed assessing their rolls, balances and jumps and putting them into sequences. 

The Victorian Dolls House has been a success and looks brilliant - the design brief has been met - YAY!

Today, we managed to find all of the chocolate during our Easter Egg Hunt and created some (rather flimsy) baskets to pop our chocolate in. 

Well done to everyone for working so incredibly hard this term and congratulations to Harrison and Leo for being nominated as people of the week.

That's all from us. We all hope you have an absolutely incredible Easter Break.

 Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 



Posted 28/03/2024
by Emily Randle

Chaipel have had a lovely last week of school! We have begun to create our final Basquiat-inspired piece of art and they are looking amazing so far. There will be time to complete the work at the beginning of next term!

In English, we have beeen writing up our ending for The Midnight Fox. The children have really got into their writing and are looking forward to editing, improving and writing up their neat copies.

In PSHE, we have been learning about basic First Aid and how to put people into the Recovery Position  - a vital skill to be able to do. 

For our final day, we had an egg-cellent Easter Egg Hunt - thank you to FOPs and all involved: we had a great time!

So, all that is left for me to say is...

See you next term,
Miss Randle, Mrs Clary and Miss Gilbert.


Head's Blog   Happy Easter

Posted 28/03/2024
by Anthea Hillman

This half term has raced by. At our end of term assembly to day we shared our favourite moments from the last 6 weeks which included World Book Day, Maths and English, our new playground leader games and ‘everything’ from several children. We also said a very sad farewell to Mr H who has been a wonderful TA here for the last three years and who has been connected with the school for even longer than that. I am sure you will join me in wishing him all the best for the future.

After assembly the children had a visit from the Easter Bunny in the hall. Thank you to FOPS for helping to organise this.

Football Success Well done to our football team who showed great sportsmanship during their match on Tuesday, winning 2-0 against St Germans.

FOPS quiz fundraiser Another thank you to FOPS for running the very successful quiz last Friday which raised over £400 for school. It was great to see so many of you there.

Reminder that there is still time to by a copy of our joke book containing all of the jokes the children bought in for our Comic Relief competition. Books are available from the office and cost £1 which will go to Comic Relief. Please send your child in with £1 if you would like a copy.

Uniform If you are looking ahead to buying uniform, please remember that we have a good supply of nearly new uniform in school which is available for a donation (£1 minimum) to the school. Please ask at reception.

Diary dates Looking ahead to the summer term, two important dates for the diary are Polperro Festival School’s Day which is on 18th June this year and Sports Day which will be on the morning of Tuesday 25th June with a reserve date of Thursday 27th June. Hopefully it will have stopped raining by then! Further details of both events will follow nearer the time.

Wishing you a wonderful Easter break. We look forward to seeing the children back in school on Monday 15th April. 

Mrs Hillman


Penhallow   Penhallow Class Blog 22.3.2024

Posted 23/03/2024
by Karen Taylor

Enormous Fun in Penhallow this week!

We have enjoyed a fabulous week of learning in Penhallow this week where we started retelling the traditional tale; The Enormous Turnip. The children have really enjoyed this story and there have been lots of vegetable linked activities around the classroom!

In science, we ventured out on a tree hunt to discover the evergreen and deciduous trees in and around our school grounds, we bought back some evergreen leaves and produced some beautiful leaf rub art work.

In maths, we have ventured into a new topic of measure and the children have enjoyed measuring objects with cubes and learning all about centimetres.

PE has been fun this week with lots of links to how we can work better as a team, encouraging others to do well and praising them when they succeed! We also enjoyed a very fun yoga session linked to The Enormous Turnip.

Well done to Iylah and Sonny for getting their next 99 club badge this week, showing real determination in their learning. A big well done also to our People of the Week this week; Molly, April and Amelia were picked this week for showing amazing examples of our school values. Well done!

We look forward to another fun week ahead, a little shorter as we come to the end of our Spring term. The children's Easter holiday begins at 1.30 on Thursday and this week we will be learning all about how Christians celebrate Easter starting with an assembly on Monday with Reverend Richard.

Keep up with the lovely reading and accessing TwinklGO! for more learning opportunities. Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Taylor, Mrs G, Miss Colton, Mrs C and Miss Hodge.



Landaviddy   Friday 22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Alice Gibbings

We've had another busy week in Landaviddy! As Scientists, we planned and conducted an investigation to see which surfaces a protractor would travel furtherest on. We then wrote up our conclusions. Were you surprised with your results?

In Geography, we learnt about earthquakes and the damage they can cause. We sketched and painted our volcanoes in DT, ready to complete our moveable volcano posters next week! And had a fantastic whole school singing session with Mrs Butlin this week - we really got into the spirit of Easter! 

In English, we have started a new unit on biographies. We read Malala's Magic Pencil and learnt about how she found her voice and used it to stand up for others. We have also read the biography of Marcus Rashford, which we all found fascinating!

In Maths, Year 2 have have finished their unit on Length and Height, and Year 3 have concluded multiplication and division! Next, we will be moving on to explore Shape.

Congratulations to Benjamin and Callum for being Landaviddy's People of the Week. And a big well done to Heidi, Zac and Arnie for achieving their 99 club!

It was lovely to meet with you all this week, to share the progress all the children have made during our parent consultations.  

Next week is our final week before the Easter holidays, where we will be finishing at 1:30pm on Thursday. Until then, we hope you have a great weekend and look forward to seeing you for some Easter fun next week!

Miss Gibbings, Mrs Phillips and Mr H


Head's Blog   22nd March 2024

Posted 22/03/2024
by Anthea Hillman

In addition to the wonderful learning that has been taking place, This has been a great week for sport and fundraising at Polperro.

Cross-Country The Polperro team did brilliantly well in last week’s Landrake Inter Schools Cross Country Race; one of the muddiest races ever. Congratulations to the children who all completed their races, with or without shoes, and to Zac’s dad and Max S’s dad who dared to run alongside. Thank you to Mrs Turnbull for her team support this season and for running alongside the children too, and to parents and carers for transporting our runners to each race come rain or shine. An amazing effort all round from Team Polperro. 

Our School Joke Book Miss Gibbings has created a wonderful joke book containing all of the jokes the children bought in for our Comic Relief competition. Books are available from the office and cost £1 which will go to Comic Relief. Please send your child in with £1 if you would like a copy.

Fundraising for Marie-Curie Well done to our year 6s who have raised an amazing £692.05 For Marie-Curie by walking the distance from Talland Beach to Looe around our playground. Jack and Rosie have been writing an article about the event which will be published shortly on the Trust website as a Bridge Story.

Easter Activities The Easter break is fast approaching. Below are some activities you may want to do with your child/ren. Further information is attached to this blog.
• Easter Time2Move Holiday Programme This programme  aims to support families during the school holidays to ensure children have access to fun activities, healthy food and physical activity and to address those particular challenges for some families because of increased costs such as food, childcare and reduced income. It brings together providers across Cornwall who put on a wide range of diverse activities that are fully funded for those eligible for benefits related to free school meals but available to all children aged 5 to 16.
• Cycling Courses
• Looe Land Train

Please remember that next week, the last day of term is Thursday and school will end at 1:30pm.

Have a lovely weekend. 

Mrs Hillman


Talland   Talland's Class Blog 22.3.24

Posted 22/03/2024
by Ben Heasman-Langley

Talland Class Blog 22.3.24

Four more school days until the Easter Holidays... I cannot believe how quickly Spring 2 has flown by!

We've been very creative in Talland this week (as you can see). Children have made the furniture for the Victorian Dolls house and painted them. Next week, we will move on to curtains and other furnishings. It's looking great.

Year 4's are coming to the end of fractions now. We have been finding equivalent fractions and turning improper fractions into mixed numbers. Very clever stuff!
Year 5's have completed their percentages and decimals unit and have moved straight into statistics. Why not ask them how to draw a line graph...

In English, Talland have completed their independent write for the newspaper article about the 'Workhouse Runaway'. I've been really impressed so far with what I have read. Next week, children will be writing their newspaper report up in best. I can't wait to see their finished results. 

In balls skills, children have been working in teams to think about tactics and using spatial awareness to help out their team mates. In gymnastics, we have learnt different rolls such as front rolls, straight rolls, teddy bear rolls and tucked rolls. It was really good fun.

We enjoyed looking at different states of matter in Science, where we found out how solids liquids and gases change state and the part particles play in all of this. What can you find at home that is a solid, liquid or a gas. Could you try and alter its state of matter by turning a solid into a liquid, or a liquid into a gas, or a liquid back into a solid (with adult supervision of course).

Well do to Leo for being noticed a s our special person of the week. He's always determined and enthusiastic at school and it's just lovely to see.

That's all from us in Talland. We hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Killigarth Nursery   28/3/24

Posted 22/03/2024
by Julie Peat

 Easter is here! The children have been busy finishing their Easter craft and especially enjoyed making chocolate nests to go in their bunny baskets. They painted and made handprints as rabbit ears on hats.

The children have been busy matching numbered eggs on the maths table and have been following a sequence of colour patterns with eggs.
in phonics we have been naming things we might see at the seaside. The children have been clapping syllables in words and played seaside bingo!

The Easter break is now upon us. We hope you all have a wonderful, fun filled two weeks and we look forward to seeing everyone when we return to nursery on Monday 15th April.

Julie and Sarah


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