Class Blog for Talland

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Talland's Class Blog 3.5.24 


What a gruesomely fun week we have had!

We finished our instruction writing about how to make a gruesome smoothie this week. They were disgusting yet fantastic to read. We finished the week by going to the garden TO follow our instructions. What wonderfully sickening creations your children made… YUM!

Year 4 finished their first decimals unit and are moving to their second unit next week. They have got really effective at dividing 1- and 2-digit numbers by 10 and 100.
Year 5 have also finished their unit on shape and are ready to move onto decimals next week. They have become experts at finding angles!

Has been great fun as ever! Orienting games have enhanced and badminton has moved onto backhands. We’ve continued to look at positional awareness and aiming the shuttlecock into space.

We have looked at many different ways of making collage effective. We’ve been experimenting with layering and practicing different ways of cutting, tearing and manipulating the resources.

Talland investigated which material was the best insulator. We used bubble wrap, cellophane and tin foil. Why not ask your child what we did during our experiment…

Well done to Tabbi for being chosen as pupil of the week – her involvement during class discussions have been excellent this week. Also congratulations to all of our readers, writers and mathematicians of the week: Mathematicians:
Isaac and Sienna

Henry and Harrison

Leo and Freddie

That’s it from Talland. We hope you have a fantastic 3 day weekend - YAY!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24 

Talland's Class Blog 26.4.24

Week two came and went in the blink of an eye!

There's been an abundance of sport, jelly making, science investigations, instruction writing and much more...

Year 4 have been finding out about how to write fractions and decimals and hundredths. Some children have been thinking about how that can link to percentages too.
Year 5 have continued to measure angles and perimeter in shapes. They're very handy with a protractor now!

We have finished writing our instructions about 'How to make Jelly'. We have followed the instructions and made our own jelly. The children are now planning how to make instructions for a 'Gruesome Smoothie'. I'm looking forward to getting outside and finding our ingredients next week!

Talland have explored a range of activities to play in an outdoor environment and we've been practicing how to return the shuttlecock in badminton. Some children challenged themselves to catch their opponent out and return the shuttlecock to a space on the court where the partner wasn't to help them win a point.

We have looked at and experimented on jelly - how does it change its state of matter? Why not ask your child how the jelly changes when heated and then cooled...
We also began thinking about our experiment for next week - What is the best material to wrap a cup in to keep drinks warmer for longer? The material and the ice cubes are already waiting...

This topic is linking nicely to Science this term. After we have our results for the experiment, Talland will be creating an excel spread sheet to gather data. We will then transfer the data to a graph, which will show help to show our results in a pictorial manner.

A huge well done to Nuala this week for being noticed for excellent behaviour and trying her best in lessons. 

Exciting News:
School trip information coming Monday... I'm personally looking forward to the 10th May. I think all of Talland will be once we find out where we are going!

That's it from Talland this week. We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Talland's Class Blog 19.4.24 

Talland Class Blog 19.4.24

Happy Summer 1 everyone! 

We've kicked off with a busy but fun first week! We've also discussed our enquiry question for this term: Can 'CHANGE' change?

Year 4 have begun using decimals and in particular, looking at tenths.
Year 5 have begun their unit on shape. Why not ask them how to use a protractor. They are getting good a measuring angles up to 180 degrees. 

We have started writing instructions in writing. Talland have been looking at how to make jelly. Hopefully our instructions are good enough to make it successfully...
This term, we are focusing on ORIENTEERING (Mondays) and BADMINTON (Tuesdays). It will be lots of fun! Please make sure that your child has their kit in school ready for these fun and engaging activities. 

This term, we are delving into STATES OF MATTER. We have looked at the differences between solids, liquids gases and described their properties this week. We also looked at key language to help us describe different materials characteristics.

We will be focusing on collage this term. We have already began creating mood boards and looking at a range of different collages. Our final piece should be fantastic and one you might even want to have framed and put up in your home. Watch this space for updates!

I have attached the KIRFs for this term. It would be great if you could help your child practice them (if time allows itself).

That's all from us in Talland this week. We hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.

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Talland's Class Blog 28.3.24 



It's been a fun-filled week in Talland and everyone is very excited to sink their teeth into some well deserved chocolate. 

The children have become fantastic little gymnasts and have enjoyed assessing their rolls, balances and jumps and putting them into sequences. 

The Victorian Dolls House has been a success and looks brilliant - the design brief has been met - YAY!

Today, we managed to find all of the chocolate during our Easter Egg Hunt and created some (rather flimsy) baskets to pop our chocolate in. 

Well done to everyone for working so incredibly hard this term and congratulations to Harrison and Leo for being nominated as people of the week.

That's all from us. We all hope you have an absolutely incredible Easter Break.

 Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Talland's Class Blog 22.3.24 

Talland Class Blog 22.3.24

Four more school days until the Easter Holidays... I cannot believe how quickly Spring 2 has flown by!

We've been very creative in Talland this week (as you can see). Children have made the furniture for the Victorian Dolls house and painted them. Next week, we will move on to curtains and other furnishings. It's looking great.

Year 4's are coming to the end of fractions now. We have been finding equivalent fractions and turning improper fractions into mixed numbers. Very clever stuff!
Year 5's have completed their percentages and decimals unit and have moved straight into statistics. Why not ask them how to draw a line graph...

In English, Talland have completed their independent write for the newspaper article about the 'Workhouse Runaway'. I've been really impressed so far with what I have read. Next week, children will be writing their newspaper report up in best. I can't wait to see their finished results. 

In balls skills, children have been working in teams to think about tactics and using spatial awareness to help out their team mates. In gymnastics, we have learnt different rolls such as front rolls, straight rolls, teddy bear rolls and tucked rolls. It was really good fun.

We enjoyed looking at different states of matter in Science, where we found out how solids liquids and gases change state and the part particles play in all of this. What can you find at home that is a solid, liquid or a gas. Could you try and alter its state of matter by turning a solid into a liquid, or a liquid into a gas, or a liquid back into a solid (with adult supervision of course).

Well do to Leo for being noticed a s our special person of the week. He's always determined and enthusiastic at school and it's just lovely to see.

That's all from us in Talland. We hope you have a fantastic weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Talland's Class Blog 15.3.24 

Taland's Blog 15.3.24

Happy Friday everyone! We hope you have had a fantastic week!

It's been busy in Talland!

The year 4's have been learning about mixed numbers and improper fractions. Why not quiz them on what they are...
The year 5's have been rounding decimals to whole numbers and ordering and comparing them. 

We've completed writing up our newspaper report about Oliver Twist now. Children have learnt lots of techniques to write their own successful newspaper report so we have just begun planning for their independent article: 'Workhouse Runaway'. I can't wait to read the finished article!

Music was great fun (as always) and it would appear that Talland have some talented children when it comes to playing the flute!

Well done to Thomas this week for being recognised for his creative homework. He must be really proud of himself - it was great! Good luck to the cross country runners' today!

I'm looking forward to talking to you all next week and telling you what little super stars you are raising!

That's all from us in Talland class this week.

We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge. 


Talland's Class Blog 8.3.24 

Talland's Class Blog 8.3.24

We hope everyone had a fantastic World Book Day!

What have we been doing this week?

Year 4's have found out that fractions aren't actually as scary as we first thought. 
Year 5's have been trail blazing their way through Decimals and Percentages.

We've been learning about fronted adverbials, relative clause and a whole range of writing techniques for our newspaper report on Oliver Twist. Next week, we will be looking at reported speech and direct speech (there will be a lot of acting involved).

Children haven continued to enhance their ball skills and master the landing technique in gymnastics - even when we add a twist.

Design and Technology:
Talland were put into groups. They now know which room the will be designing and creating for the Victorian Doll's House. Why not ask you child which room they have...

World Book Day was amazing, the costumes were fantastic and the enthusiasm from the children was brilliant!

A massive well done to Everly for being recognised this week for her excellent learning behaviours and fantastic manners!

That's all from Talland Class. We hope you have a great weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 1.3.24 

Talland's Class Blog 1.3.24

Lots of fun has been had this week!

The year 4's have come to the end of their Multiplication and Division unit - next week - FRACTIONS! YAY!
The year 5's have been learning about decimals. Ask them about tenths and hundredths. Cab they dazzle you with their knowledge?

We've found out that the news paper report we read last week might have been a tad bias and Mr. Bumble isn't as kind hearted as we were first lead to believe. It turns out, Oliver Twist didn't get fed much and all of the orphans wanted more gruel as they were so incredibly hungry. Talland have been interviewing key witnesses about what actually happened when Oliver asked, "Please sir, can I have some more?". 

Design and Technology:
The children have been given their design brief: A toy company, who produce dolls-houses, want to produce a dolls house that replicates a Victorian house. The toys already on the market are very expensive and the toy company want the children's designs to help them reach a younger market. 
We've begun by researching the Great Exhibition of 1851 - ask your child some fun facts about this exhibition. Here's one fun fact: The Kohinoor diamond is the diamond that sits on King Charles' crown.

A huge well done to Harley and Aria for being our mathematician's of the week, Sienna and Isaac for being our reader's of the week and Freddie and Nuala for being our writer's of the week. Also, congratulations to Imogen for being our person of the week! 

Good luck to our runner's today - we hope you have a great time and run your socks off (not literally)!

Please find attached this terms KIRFs and Homework Grid.

We hope you have an amazing weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.

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Talland's Class Blog 23.2.24 

Talland's Class Blog 23.2.24

Happy Spring Term 2 everyone!

A few throw backs from Spring Term 1 (obstacle course with our class made wobble bots and some incredible art inspired by Ashwin Harrison)!

We've kick started this week with lots of enthusiasm. Talland are excited to get our teeth into our newest enquiry question: ‘How have our lives been changed by the Victorians?’ We've looked at lots of vocabulary and created a time line of major historical events during the Victorian Era. From this, children have chosen their favourite significant events. These are the areas we will research throughout our history lessons.

The year 4's have been dividing 2 and 3-digit numbers by 1 digit numbers (96 divided by 4 OR 397 divided by 3). It certainly got tricky when there were remainders involved. Why not get your child to give these a go...
The year 5's have been completing the second unit of fractions. They have been multiplying fractions and I hope they are looking forward to their post assessment next week. I can't wait to see how much progression they have made. 

We are going to write our own newspaper reports. Therefore, this week we have been immersing ourselves with newspaper articles. An article about Oliver Twist has caught our attention. Why not ask your child what the newspaper report is about...

PE continues to be on a Monday (Ball Skills) and on a Tuesday (Gymnastics). We've been having fun working in pairs to create balances in gymnastics and testing out our new netball posts during our ball skills lesson. 

It's been a great week and I'm excited for next week - lots of fun activities planned!

We hope you have a fabulous weekend!

Over and out from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.


Talland's Class Blog 2.2.2024 

Talland's Class Blog 2.2.2024

Happy February everyone! 

A busy penultimate week of Spring term 1 for Talland class...

Year 4 have been looking at multiplying 2 or 3-digit numbers with a 1-digit number (21 x 4 = or 342 x 5 =). We've used lots of resources to help show how creating groups can assist you when trying to solve the problem. We've also been using column method strategies to check that our answers are correct.
year 5 have now completed their multiplication and division unit and will begin fractions next week. Why not quiz your child on either multiplying a 4- digit number by a 2-digit number or a division problem where a remainder is required...

We have just finished writing a biography about an inspirational person of 'Power'. Looking at Talland's work, I've seen some fantastic examples. Who did your child write about?

We've been getting extremely technical in computing. The children were introduced to Micro:bits where they were creating algorithms. These algorithms enabled the Micro:bit to light up their names through the LED lamps. Next week, we will be measuring sound and temperature with these fun little computers.

Well done to the players that represented Polperro in the football match this week! They worked really hard and should be proud of their efforts! Also, congratulations to Skye for being noticed as our visible learner of the week - her excellent behaviour and hard work has not gone unnoticed.  

That's all from us. We hope you all have a lovely weekend!

Signing off from Mr. Langley, Mr. Bishop and Mrs. Hodge.



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